Sunday, November 13, 2011

Serial Killers, I'm On To You....

This week has been a crazy week. No, wait, let me rephrase that. I've been crazy this week. All because of a few articles and viral videos. I have discovered that fear makes you completely irrational.

Here is my harrowing tale.

At the beginning of the week, Tuesday to be exact, I read a little story in Cosmo. It was all about serial killers, how they stalk their victims, and how you can protect yourself.

Holy freaking cow. So, of course, model of intelligence that I am, I decided that I obviously need to be on my guard against serial killers. I start analyzing every guy I see, I change my driving routine on my way home, and I remain alert. A little too alert.

Upon arriving at home, I fell asleep on the couch. Like I always do. Because I'm like an old person. I was woken up by some loud banging next door, and they were screaming someone's name. Of course, I thought that a serial killer was next door. I start locking all the doors, closing the curtains, and trying to be as silent as I possibly could.

That night, I was emptying the dishwasher, and I heard some light tapping on the window looking into the kitchen. Because it's pitch black outside, I can't see anything. However, I do see a gap between the curtains, so I decide to be stealthy and crawl on the floor, slide up the wall, and close the curtains from below. Obviously a serial killer would not think that someone was home after watching the curtains close themselves.

All of a sudden, I hear banging on the window, then banging on the front door, which was locked. I start screaming hysterically, then I crumple to the ground screaming some more, which is clearly the epitome of stealth. Josh bursts through the front door laughing, and I sob. For an hour. Josh was so horrified at my reaction, all he could do was apologize.

I talked about Josh not because he did anything wrong (we mess with each other all the time) but to show how absolutely bonkers I was!

So we move to Thursday night. Josh was in North Carolina with the theatre kids, and I was home alone. I saw on CNN a video that shows someone looking through your Facebook profile. I wanted to see it for myself. Bad idea. BAD BAD BAD idea.

Basically, it shows some crazy psychopath looking at your stuff, stroking the screen, searching for where you live, etc. It was super creepy because he started stroking the screen when it was a picture of me and my cousin's baby, Jackson. I screamed out, "he's a baby, you pervert." It didn't occur to me that it wasn't real. Then it shows him driving to kill you. Yeesh.

I left the hotel at 11PM, making sure no one was in my backseat itching to slice my throat, then I turned on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia really loud, because I didn't think that God would let me die with that show on. I went to the bedroom, because I couldn't keep my eyes open. I proceeded to shut all the doors and close the curtain as tightly as I could. I fell asleep with all of the lights on. And even though our electric bill will be abnormally high, I just felt safer. I was so happy when it was morning, I didn't even mind the crick in my neck from sleeping in an upright position all night.

I think I'm over my serial-killer-phobia, but I don't think having a fear of crazy psychopaths is so strange.  It's only in my head when it becomes irrational. Like, a tree turned into a person looming outside the window, rustling leaves became a killer shuffling his feet outside, and a squirrel chirping became his crazy psycho war cry.

You don't have to tell me, I know I'm crazy.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Art of the Mini-Series

OK, try not to laugh. I have spent the entire weekend immersed in "The Thornbirds." Yes, the one that's reference when people make jokes about romance with priests. That one.

OK, stop laughing and/or shaking your head right now.

When my friend Carolyn gave me her DVD's (because it's a multi-disc set. Hooray!) to borrow, I thought, "Well, this will give me something to watch when I'm bored." But it was so much more!

I became obsessed with it. Josh had to peel me away from the TV. I don't know what it is! The sweeping love story, the adventure; it's a saga featuring multiple generations of priest lovers! (but not all were sexual. Ahem.)

After reading that last paragraph, I realized that I could write on DVD covers. Just saying. That's compelling stuff.

This tells the tale of a family in Australia who come to live on their aunt's property, Drogheda (don't quote me on the spelling.) because she's super rich and lets them work on the ranch. Her brother and his family, the Clearys, are the only known relatives of said old lady. Who's completely bonkers and is in love with a young priest, Ralph de Bricassaut (again, don't quote me on the spelling)

Ralph ends up having feelings for a nine year old, Meggie Cleary. It's normal at this point, because he seems like he's being priestly to this little girl; it's all innocent. I thought it would be creepy, and a normal person probably would find it so, but I didn't!

You can pretty much guess what happens, Meggie grows up and gets hot, Ralph has to move across the world to the Vatican to escape his emotions. Then she gets married to a loser to forget about Ralph, he acts loser-ish, gets her pregnant, then kind of abandons her. Her friends send her to this private island resort to get her head together, and Ralph comes and their love. Then he gets all freaked out and leaves again, but gets her pregnant first. Scandalous! Then it jumps ahead nineteen years later, and Meggie/Ralph's lovechild decides he wants to be a priest too, some sad stuff happens, they all come to terms with it, and Ralph dies.

It was so dang sad, and I was so embarrassed at myself for crying alone in my living room about this horny priest. Plus, the movie takes place in Australia, but only one person speaks with an accent. Everyone else is a variation of Irish/American/British, but they all supposedly grew up there. Plus, it's super 80's-tastic.

But after pondering my tempest of emotions, I have come to a realization: mini series are the bomb. How else can you fit the entire plot of a novel (Most mini-series are novels) into a film format? If it became a movie, you would have to cut a ton of it, and if it became a TV Show, well, it wouldn't end until the show ended. Which could take years!

I told my mom that I was watching The Hornbirds, and she turned into a puddle of sentiment. Mini-series evoke something in us, because we can become completely immersed for 8-15 hours, then go on with our lives. I will never forget watching Lonesome Dove. I read the book, and they kind of nailed it, script wise. Plus, my mom will never shut up about North and South, with Patrick Swayze. Mini-Series became sort of a phenomenon in the 70's and 80's, and now they're gone.

At least now I have Downton Abbey, but it's only airing in England right now, and I don't have fancy cable channels. Man, BBC has it right with all those dang mini-series!

Please, TV Land executive people, humor this cheesy dork and make more mini-series!!

Saturday, October 1, 2011


I've always wanted to use this blog as a medium to tell all of you about the books I read, mainly because I want to discuss them! There are many times where I'll read something crazy in a book, gasp, and then look around and see Josh staring at me. So I need someone to relate to when it comes to books, and maybe get recommendations. Agreed?

I just read Faith by Jennifer Haigh, and I can not describe how stirred I was by this book. It deals with a very controversial and prevalent issue today: child molestation accusations of Catholic priests.

Now, mind you, this isn't really a statement on the Catholic church. It's a story of what happens when accusations get thrown around. Father Arthur Breen has been accused of molesting a child, and this book tells of how his working class Boston family deals with the news. His mother is refusing to hear anything that doubts his innocence, his brother, with two small children of his own, has completely cut off Arthur, and Sheila, his sister (and from the point of view that this story is told) believes he's innocent, but is on a search for the truth. The family also has many secrets of their own, and the secrets they hold influence their reactions to the news.

Arthur has been kicked out of the parish, the only world he's ever known, and is living in a small apartment that the Boston archdiose is paying for. He feels lost.

The church, instead of conducting an investigation, just shuffles Arthur around and throws money at the issue. It's a problem whether the priests are guilty or not, because if innocent, no defense is provided, and they are deemed monsters. If they are guilty, no investigation is conducted to convict them.

In a nutshell, it shows how a simple accusation can destroy a person's life. You see the effects of this right up until the heartbreaking ending. I actually caught myself sobbing in a parking lot in the car whilst waiting for Josh. I'm a bonehead.

Read it. It's good.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Dinner is Sad When Waiting for Your Husband to Get Home

Alright, this week has been a really busy week for Joshua, so that means that when I cook dinner, I either eat alone on the couch or wait until after 10:30 at night to eat.

But, hey, that's no reason not to cook!

Wednesday, I decided to make a casserole because I didn't like the quality of the chicken breasts that I got. So I couldn't just eat them alone. Blech. I decided to shred them into a casserole. Crisis averted!

I put chicken at the bottom of my casserole dish, then I added orange juice (fresh squeezed. Not trying to act high faluting, I only had oranges in my fridge,) brown sugar, and melted butter. Then I got really lazy and put pre made stove top stuffing on top. It was good, but next time I need more salt or something. Too sweet!

Live and Learn. Onward!

Last night I made a pulled pork chili. It's bascially exactly like regular chili, but it has pulled pork instead of ground beef. (Ground beef turns my stomach. I'm like a little kid!) Just let it simmer in the crock pot all day. Yum! Josh is at a band competition all day, so this will be my dinner tonight, too!

Saturday Night Live is coming on tonight...yay!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Never Send a Man to do a Woman's Job

I never thought that grocery shopping was a skill. Ever. Maybe that's because my mom was so good at it, and I learned from her.

I've included that preface, to make my story clearer. Ahem.

Last night, I took a look around my freezer, and I saw that I had chicken, and some Al Fresco chicken sausage that I got on sale at Publix and I really wanted to try. I looked online, and came across this cajun alfredo skillet thing, with all of the ingredients that I had on hand. Except for few.

Josh and I have been doing Financial Peace University, and one of the things we've done is use the envelope system for all of our spending money needs. I am the keeper of said envelopes because Josh doesn't want such responsibility.

All we needed was some milk, so I asked Josh to get some on the way home. He reminded me that I had the envelopes, but he could stop by and get them and run out to Bi-Lo.

Since he was going out for milk, I asked him to pick up some Cajun seasoning. Normally I just mix up a cajun seasoning myself, but since he was going out...why not? I also needed some Philadelphia cooking creme. Original. I needed him to pick some up because I realized that I only had the Italian one.

3 ingredients. Simple, right? He called me 2 times. For 3 ingredients. He couldn't fathom that cooking creme existed. I think he thought that I was an idiot and meant cream cheese. Yes, they are in the same section, but they are not the same thing. I told him to ask an employee. He agreed and hung up.

Not two minutes later, he called asking me if he could get creole seasoning instead of cajun seasoning. And then told me that he still hadn't found the cooking creme. I asked him if he found an employee. He said no. He hadn't even asked. For those of you who know Josh, you shouldn't be surprised. He will not ask anyone for help!

After asking someone for help (which was proceeded by a lot of fussing from me), he found it. It was right next to the cream cheese, where he was looking. He said that I told him the wrong color of the tub, so it was my fault.

Now, I didn't write this to rag on Josh, but to rag on all men. One of the most infamous stories about my father was when he bought us Happy Meals from McDonald's when it was buy one get one free. He ordered 3 Happy Meals, because he had 3 children. When the cashier told him that he could get one more free, he declined, because he only needed 3.


My mom berated him when he got home, because we could have had a free Happy Meal!

That was 10 years ago. Never forgotten.

Dinner ended up being delicious, by the way. I'll do the shopping from now on.

Monday, September 19, 2011

TV Update. You're Welcome.

So, many things have happened in TV Land since I've written my last post...mainly, the Emmys!! It was kind of boring (sorry Jane Lynch, I will always love you) but some shows got acclaim that haven't before, and it was pretty exciting....

First of all, Modern Family basically swept the comedy category. Modern Family was definitely the Goliath, but it is honestly one of the funniest shows on television. There is not an episode where I don't laugh out loud. Now, when it came to the winners of the best supporting actor and actress. I was convinced that Ed O'Neill and Sophia Vergara  were going to win, but it was actually Julie Bowena and Ty Burrell who won. (Phil and Claire Dunphy.) Now, I just love them all. I didn't care who won!

When the nominees for best actress in a comedy were announced, they all ran up and stood in a line like it was a beauty pageant. It was so funny! But, the best part was when Melissa McCarthy won for her role on "Mike and Molly." I love this show. I thought it was so underrated. The look on her face was priceless; she really didn't think that she was going to win!

For best actor in a comedy, Jim Parsons won for his role on "Big Bang Theory." I love this show, too! (It's hard finding one that I don't like, actually.) Parsons has won before, and this year, I really wanted Steve Carrell to win for his last season on "The Office." I thought that he did so so so well. Now, I don't really know if I'll watch the show. I think that they just should have ended it, honestly.

Modern Family won best comedy. Surprise, surprise.

Now, on to drama. For best supporting actress, Margo Martindale, who I've seen as a character actress in some random movies, won for her role on "Justified." Now, I've never seen this show, I have a super weak stomach, but my dad loves it. I also know that it's another underrated show. For best supporting actor, Peter Dinklage, from "Game of Thrones" won. Another show that I've heard is really good, but I wouldn't be able to see on account of how I'd barf. When I read that last sentence out loud, I sounded like Opie from "The Andy Griffith Show." Ugh. I've turned into a redneck.

Moving on...Julianna Margulies won best actress in a drama for "The Good Wife." I didn't care. I don't watch that show, so obviously I wasn't paying attention. Now, Kyle Chandler won best actor for his role on "Friday Night Lights." He has been the ultimate Emmy underdog since, like, how long the show has been on, so, forever. It was pretty exciting to see him get recognition, and he was so shocked by it, too! So sweet. It's nice to see humble celebrities.

Mad Men won for best drama, and EVERYONE thought that it was going to sweep all the drama categories. It was the Goliath, and it was brought down by the little David (s). Now, don't get me wrong. I luuuurrrrrve Mad Men, and I especially love Jon Hamm. This show makes me want to drink scotch at work, and I can't stand scotch. It also has one of the coolest theme songs ever.

For Mini-Series, or made for TV Movies, everyone thought that Mildred Pierce was going to win everything. Kate Winslet and Guy Pearce both won for best supporting actor and lead actress, but my personal favorite, "Downton Abbey," won everything else: writing, direction, best supporting actress (Maggie Smith) and best miniseries or TV Movie! Barry Pepper won best lead actor, which I thought was funny because everyone thought that The Kennedys was pretty craptastic.

The Daily Show won best variety show. I love the Daily Show, no qualms there. I did think it was sweet when Jon Stewart, in his acceptance speech, talked about what a good show Stephen Colbert has. Awww.....

Basically all the Emmys did was get me excited about all of my shows starting!! Yay!!!!!

Moving on to reality shows.......

I'm not watching Hell's Kitchen anymore. I refuse. I don't want anyone to win, and I think that the producers just want drama, not actual cooking talent. It's like a white trash "Top Chef." For those of you who don't watch, there were 5 people left: Will, who I kind of wanted to win, Paul, who I also kind of wanted to win (they were the 2 best chefs) Jennifer, the obese one whom I absolutely loved and who won all of the challenges for the ladies, Tommy, who I'm positive is stoned 24/7, and Elise, the crazy crazy lady who the producers have kept on too long just for the sake of drama and ratings. Jennifer had a bad dinner service that night, the first one all season, and Elise was on the fish station. Elise didn't cook one piece of fish right the whole time, and she was sent out. The guys decided to put Elise and Jennifer up for Ramsay to kick out, and Elise made a plea with the guys. She said that if they backed her up, she would help them. I thought Will and Paul had more sense than that.

So, Ramsay was trying to decide who to send home, and Will and Paul actually said that Elise was the better chef! I was absolutely shocked. Jennifer was standing there, with her mouth hanging open, stunned that everyone was against her. The only one who stood up against this nonesense was Tommy, who Ramsay just assumed was high and ignored. He kicked out Jennifer, and I felt so bad for her. I realized that this is a show just run by producers, and I don't feel like watching it ever again. I mean it! There are honestly tons of shows I already watch, I'll manage.

Speaking of other shows......Rachel won Big Brother!!! I was so so so so so happy, and I know that a lot of you in bloggerdom hate Rachel because she's obnoxious. Yes, she's annoying, but she won so many challenges, and she's been the underdog for so many weeks now.


All my shows start this week! Yay!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Her Fearful Symmetry

I just finished this book, and it's by Audrey Niffenegger.

It's so hard to describe, because it's technically a ghost story, but it's not scary. It starts with the death of Elspeth, a woman in Britain, who we later find out has a twin in America, with her own set of twins. Elspeth and Edie are estranged from each other, and we don't know why. Elspeth left her estate to the twins, Julia and Valentina, her nieces, whom she had never met. The only stipulation is that they had to live in her flat for a year.

I didn't finish this as fast as I do most books, because it does have a slow, steady start. However, whenever this book reaches a climax, it does so in a frenzy. I couldn't put this book down, because I was afraid I was going to miss something. It never occurred to me that this was a book and not TV, and I could just put it down.

This book doesn't have a genre. It deals with ghosts, but it's not a horror. It deals with relationships between sisters, but it's definitely not a chick flick. It has romance, but this is not a romance book. It And I like books like that!

I'm not going to give away anything, but the end was not what I would expect at all! It was strange, but fitting.

Seriously, read it, and let me know what you think! Let's start an online book club!

When Life Gives You Bananas...

For some reason, this was just a hard week! So, I figured, why pay for therapy when I can just eat a cake?

Well, first I thought, I have these bananas that are about to go bad, and I need to do something with them stat! And I didn't want to eat them. They had spots. I'm picky. So, I pulled out my faithful yellow cake mix, which you can do anything with, that I stock up on whenever they're on sale and I have coupons. I took the mashed bananas, the cake mix, 3 eggs, 1/4 cup oil, and a 8 oz thing of sour cream.

It was so yummy, and Josh told me that it is the best cake he's ever had. Who would have thought it was all because I was depressed and had old fruit?

I would have posted a picture, but it really just looks like a sheet cake. And I am terrible at frosting. It looks like an 8 year old did it. But, it's the taste that counts! And it's delicious....

On to TV........Kalia is gone from Big Brother!!! Karma!!!


Jordan is also gone, whom I absolutely love, but I did keep thinking that she has already won half a million dollars in a previous season. Now it's down to 3: Adam, Rachel, and Porsche. Holy cow!! I'm gonna go crazy during the finale!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Demise of Kate Gosselin, er, or Her TV Show is Near

Emily decided to stay another night, and left early this morning. She is just as obsessed about TV as me. So I had a TV watching buddy last night!!

Let's recap.

Hell's Kitchen

I don't think I've ever been as ready for someone to leave the show as I am for Elise. I can not stand watching her! Last week, all of the remaining contestants turned into one team, and they got the revered "black jackets." The guys think that the drama surrounding Elise on the red team was just because the red team was full of girls. They foolishly thought that she would be normal with them. Jennifer knew better, and just sat back.

Will won the challenge, which was to take an American, homey favorite, and make it visually appealing. Elise came in second place, to be honorable, he took her along for his reward. He thought he could inspire team spirit by treating her. Muah hah hah hah.

That night, Ramsey told them that for their next dinner service, they were to compete against a team of chefs from previous seasons with a score to settle. Imagine that in my best dramatic announcer voice. So, they had to create their own menu. Which is where it gets weird. While planning this menu, Will suggests tuna tartare. They all agreed, and then from nowhere, Elise starts yelling about how she doesn't want to do Will's menu, and they need to collaborate. The guys just sat there, stunned.

Will explodes, saying, "It had to have been you!" (Referring to the drama in the red team) and stormed off. It was epic.

They ended up just sucking it up and cooking that night, and beat the oldies. Ramsay based his decision on the comment cards, and 96% of the comments said that they would return, as opposed to 80%. Ramsay still said that they had to nominate 2 people. They nominated Jennifer, who had some bok choy that was too cold (the horror!) and Elise, because they thought she was obnoxious. Well, in a surprising twist, or a twist that had no surprise at all, they both got to stay because dinner service had gone so well. Psych!

In the previews, it refers to Elise as the diva chef from hell. Hah.

Kate Plus 8

Like I said before, I'm only watching this show because it's almost over. And I'm glad I haven't been watching it, because she is heinous. I mean, really.

They went white water rafting in Utah, and she whined the whole time, because it was hot, and then she didn't want to get wet, and then she was mad that they went through a rapid. Now, for those of you who know me, I am not a thrill seeker. However, if I have rafted many times and have come away unscathed, and then a bunch of five year olds don't even get wet, she shall live. I think that the guide was thinking about hitting her over the head with his paddle.

And then, the weirdest fight ever started. Kate was planning on grilling some chicken over these tiny little grills that they got . Ashley, her nanny, and Jamie, Kate's friend, suggested pizza. Then Steve, Kate's "bodyguard" (I think he's the boyfriend) agreed. Kate flipped out and barricaded herself in her RV. But the best part was when she fussed at him, saying, "you scoffed at me." To which he replied, "I did not scoff at you." She brilliantly said, "we have footage that showed that you scoffed at me."  Really?! Scoff?! Who says that anymore?! I literally kept rewinding it and playing it. I thought it was the dumbest bit of dialogue I had ever heard.

The climactic point came the next day, when they were eating lunch. Apparently the kids weren't supposed to eat the leftover pizza, but Maddy did?! I was confused as to the details. Then Maddy handed a piece over to Steve, Kate's weird man thing, with her bare hands. Travesty! Kate started screaming, because Maddy did not hand it to him on a plate. She caused such a scene that Ashley up and left. Quit her job as their nanny, hopped on a plane, and is never to be heard from again. Holy cow.

TLC didn't disappoint in the drama department, but the reason I liked this show in the first place was it was all about the kids, and how cute they are. It's turned into something else altogether. I feel like fame came too quickly for this woman, and it turned her into a monster.

On that note, tell me how you feel!!

Monday, September 5, 2011

The Weekend!

So very much has happened this weekend! I have to get my mind in order!


First of all, I got to spend all weekend with my beautiful sister, who is single and ready to mingle, by the way! She enjoys long moonlit walks on the beach, cuddling in front of the fireplace....and if I say any more she will probably kill me. She'll probably kill me for this post anyway.

Soo..... first things first. Did you SEE Big Brother?! Holy cow! Rachel won the power of veto, so she and Jordan are safe this week. Yahoo! So, Adam and Shelley were put on the block, and Shelley got sent home. Quelle surprise. I was so happy, and now Kalia and Porsche are shaking in their boots because the power doesn't belong to them anymore. And last Big Brother showed, it looked like Rachel was going to win Head of Household. It just can't get any better. And yes, I know that Jordan won the money in her previous season, but I just love her so much, and I don't want Kalia or Porsche to win AT ALL! Phew. This show is going to make me have a nervous breakdown one day.

So, Emily came in Friday evening, and I saw Boston Butt pork roast on sale at Bi-Lo. I've done BBQ pork through the crock pot many times, so I figured that this would be an easy meal to have on hand after Wando's football game.

Well, Bi-Lo didn't tell me that it was basically the torso of a pig. It had bones and tendons and muscles and veins and a TON of blood. I am extremely squeamish, and I hate bones. And this is a huge torso of pig, and it barely fits in said crock pot. So, after about four hours of cooking on high, I brilliantly decide to cut it in chunks, so that the pig will fit, and the lid will stay on. Now, mind you, I am hacking and sawing into this pork, and I'm gagging the whole time. I'm alone in the kitchen, watching muscles tear, blood squirt, and I'm hitting bone the whole time. So I start crying. I am now gagging and crying whilst cutting this pork roast in half. I hope my family knows the sacrifice I've made for them.

After, when my kitchen looked like a slaughterhouse, I decided to wash all of the gore off of me and take a shower.

Just hours later, here is what dinner looked like:

Nom Nom Nom. It was so scrumptious, and I love topping BBQ sandwiches with coleslaw.

In short, dear pig, thank you for letting me hack into your torso so that we could have a delicious, tasty dinner. The gagging was worth it. 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

My Husband's Sweethearts

I got the idea to read this book when the author, Bridget Asher, wrote a good review for the book Commencement, by J. Courtney Sullivan, which is fantastic! Every female should read this book, seriously. So, I was happy to read this book.

Now, this book wasn't as easy to breeze through, because I just couldn't relate to the characters. Here's the deal: Lucy just found out that her husband has been cheating on her with a few women, and on top of that, he's dying of a terminal illness. As a sort of payback, Lucy takes Artie's black book and calls up all of his exes so that they could come and make amends one last time.

This book ultimately deals with these women coming to stay with Lucy, to watch Artie, and they bond over their love of Artie, and what he has taught them about themselves. Barf.

I had a real problem with this guy, who had continually cheated on his wife, not even really act remorseful for being with all of these women. Especially when he was on his deathbed. The whole time it was kind of like, "Oh, Artie! That's just the way he is!" No way, Jose. I just felt so bad for Lucy and the predicament she was in, especially while dealing with these other women who knew Artie just as intimately.

But hey, whatever floats your boat, as Levar Burton always said, "don't take my word for it." Read it yourself! I'm all about a lively discussion on books!

Humpday TV!

Hot in Cleveland

I love this little show. I think it is so funny, and Betty White is hysterical. Like that needs saying. Last night showed the season2 finale, the day of Elka's wedding. It was a take off of The Hangover, with the girls trying to figure out what happened during and after Elka's wedding. Joy (Jane Leeves) and Victoria (Wendy Malick) woke up with huge 60's beehive wigs and wedding bands, and Melanie (Valerie Bertinelli) was duct taped to the wall. While trying to figure out what happened the night before, Elka is trying to look for a sign from her late husband okaying her new marriage. After finding out about all of the tomfoolery, (I don't want to give anything away) Elka and Fred (Buck Henry) meet up in the cemetary where both of their spouses are buried. They take this as a sign and proceed with the wedding. As Elka walks down the aisle, geriatric men keep trying to stop her so that she would marry them. Can you blame them?! She's Betty White!! Max, played by Carl Reiner, and Elka's fiance from last season, runs in at the last minute, which I totally saw coming, but then another man runs in,  who claims to be Elka's dead husband, Bob. Cliffhanger! This show is so funny; and it's a great way to get my sitcom fix whilst all of my other shows are on hiatus during the summer.

Big Brother

So, the duo twist made me so very happy, but I always knew that there was a chance that Rachel or Jordan might not win the power of Veto. However, I was so pleased to see Rachel win, which took both her and Jordan off of the block. During the power of veto challenge, all competitors had to wrap themselves around a dummy of their old partner. It was pretty funny to see people sliding down these dummies. And then Kalia farted. She said that she didn't, but she did. That's the beauty of reality TV. Cameras don't lie. And, yes, maybe some sound editing was involved, but it doesn't matter. Everyone heard it! So, Rachel clung on to dear life to her her fiance, Brendan with her vice grip legs. Did she mention yet that she had a fiance? She won the veto for both herself and Jordan, and now Adam and Shelley are going on the block. These two have skated by this whole season without winning competitions, and it makes me sick! It's about dang time!

Changing gears completely, to the food front, there really hasn't been anything going on. I seared some fish and heated up green giant veggies for dinner last night, and cooked up a Bertoli meal tonight. Don't hate, stock up on these meals whenever they're on sale! They are perfect for when you just don't want to cook!

Anybody else cook (or watch) anything interesting?

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Monday Night TV, and a book I cared nothing about.

Let's review. I'm Jennifer, and I watch a ton of TV. Moving on...

Hell's Kitchen

I love Hell's Kitchen. It's like Top Chef (which I love, too) on meth. People are cooking, Gordon Ramsay is screaming and flinging food, and I am delighted. Last night was the biggest night yet. That's what they say before every single episode. Anywho, last night was a big night because the remaining people got the black jacket. And they become one team. Elizabeth and Elise were the last two. I despise Elise. I really do. And I really wanted her to go home. But, she didn't. In all honesty, I see where Ramsay is coming from, because Elizabeth was so spastic and frazzled the whole time. It was like watching a car crash, while that car crash was trying to sear scallops.

Kate Plus 8

I have not been keeping up with this show at all. I watched Jon and Kate Plus 8 all the time, then I stopped once they moved to their big house, and then all hell broke loose with their marriage and I boycotted it. Now that Kate Plus 8 is going to end, and Kate Gosselin has lost all ties with the media, I decided to tune in for the last episodes.

I'm so glad she is not my mother. They are all on an RV trip, along with 2 friends and their 3 kids or something. I'm not quite sure of the relation. So it's a full load! Kate really just whines the whole time, before they've even left the house! My mom has fussed at me many times in my childhood, but she never acted miserable to be around me. The highlight of the episode, to me, was when Kate was correcting her children at Mt Rushmore, saying that it's FDR on the mountain, not Teddy. Because FDR was the one with the moustache. Wow. Poor kids have no chance.

I was also planning on using this time to talk about a book I just finished, called Distance from the Heart of Things by Ashley Warlick. But, this book is boring, and I don't think anything happened. A girl graduates from App State in Boone, then moves back home to Edisto, SC to work on the books for her grandfather's vineyard. I kept thinking that this took place in the thirties, but it was in modern time. I had to keep reminding myself of that. And then she has this weird infatuation with her uncle, who is only 6 years older than her. It was weird and boring. At least it was a way to pass the time...

Monday, August 29, 2011

TV Time!

Everyone that knows me knows that I love love love TV! So, I will give you a debriefing of the shows I watched last night. I have my certain shows any given night. So let's proceed.

Big Brother

My mom got me hooked on reality shows. So those of you reading this who think I'm vapid and shallow to devote posts to TV, blame her. I love Big Brother, and I've especially loved this season because they brought back Jeff and Jordan. And then, last week, it was a double elimination, and Jeff got voted out right after Danielle got booted. I was very forlorn. So, I watched last night's episode (Sunday is always when the Head of Household names the two players up for eviction, but last night they did not do that because it's obvious that Jordan and Rachel would be on the block.) I was watching said episode with despair, because I knew that it's a lost cause for fair Jordan. Porsche won the Head of Household, so she, traitor Shelley, and pig-nosed Kahlia were safe another week. At the very end, Porsche got the option to open Pandora's Box, where she could get $5,000, but something would be "unleashed in the house." It's so cheesy. Porsche opened it, and the duo twist is back! So, if Jordan OR Rachel wins the power of veto, they BOTH get taken off the block. I'm just praying I can hear Jordan mispronouncing words for one more week.

Jersey Shore

I was one of the few that didn't watch the VMA's, but I did catch the new episode of Jersey Shore. Please, please, please, don't hate me for loving this show. You get hooked through the marathons. Believe me. Anywho, the big thing was that Mike "The Situation" got into a fight with Ronnie. At least, that's what the commercials made you think. It turned out that Mike hit his head on the wall, like an idiot, prior to their tiny little scuffle. Ronnie didn't hurt him, the wall did. Captivating television. That's all I have to say about that.

Food Truck Road Race 2

This show just makes me really hungry. In a nutshell, this is a really close season. I didn't like last season because one truck, the Nom Nom truck, won literally all of the challenges. Now, there's not really a clear winner or loser. The trucks were in Denver, Colorado, and they all did pretty well, especially considering that they had no money to buy ingredients in the first place, and they had to rely on the charity of other restaurants. They had a challenge where they had to forage for mushrooms, make a dish, and the winner got an exclusive interview for publicity. So, it was funny watching them forage. Anyway, they made food, sold it, and I got hungy. Then they had a speed bump, and one person had to run the truck all by themselves. That was funny, too. But I was still hungry. At the end, Cafe con Leche, the Cuban Truck, didn't sell enough. In fact, only $87 separated them and the other team. I was sad to see them go, but I was still really hungry.

Real Housewives of New Jersey

Darn those marathons! I always said that I would stay away from the Real Housewives series, and I have stayed true to that promise. Until I caught a marathon of the New Jersey one. Holy cow. I love this show. The whole thing now is that Melissa, Theresa's sister-in-law, is now on the show. Theresa and her husband, Joe, don't get along with Melissa and her husband, Joe. Apparently Italian people aren't very creative when they name their children. I was always on team Theresa, but this season, I can see why her brother and Melissa find her unlikeable. And Theresa's husband, Joe, is so weird. He's a squinty little troll who threatens to beat up Theresa's brother. If Josh EVER did anything like that to anyone in my family, I would have a coming to Jesus with him. But, here's the thing: he would never do that, because he's a grown man. And I watch this show because people act like I would never act. It's cathartic, I think.

Phew! I hope you enjoyed this trip through TV Land.

Porkchops and Applesauce....and ruined pudding

For those of you who don't know, Josh and I attend church at the night service. Our church is massive, so it's nice to be able to worship in an intimate (well, as intimate as you can get for a mega church) setting. That being said, I always have this need to cook after church, and I like to cook meals that take forever. We normally end up eating around 10 PM. I understand the folly in this, but when I have a bag of grits calling my name, I will cook them. Even if it takes an hour and a half.

Oh, the Humanity! Grits simmered for a few hours with bacon and onions, and then a pile of cheese dunked in! And the picture is blurry because of the steam. It was oh so tasty!

Then, I made pork chops (because I knew that they are one of Josh's favorites) with an apple concoction. I cooked the apples in apple cider vinegar and white wine until it reduced, then I poured in maple syrup, then threw the pork chops back in with the apples and let it simmer for 20 minutes. The pork didn't need a knife! I got both of these recipes from, and I honestly haven't had a bad dish yet from her. And now that she has a Food Network Show, I am ecstatic!

This is my plate halfway through the meal. Now normally I hate hate hate my food touching, but I actually kept dunking my grits in that maple/apple sauce! Josh thought I was being a dork, but talk about a mixture of sweet and savory! Plus, I put a ton of tabasco in the cheese grits.... and Josh never said a word....

Now comes to the part of the tale that is sad. I also attempted a banana pudding dish that I saw on the diet section of the Kraft recipe website. Since I ate my weight in cheese grits, I thought I should at least top it with fat free Cool Whip. I sacrifice so much. I followed that darn recipe to a tee, and it turned out awful. Well, not awful, necessarily. The top pudding layer never became pudding. It remained a liquid. I put it in the fridge for 3 hours. And then I gave up and left it in there overnight, thinking it could be breakfast! (don't judge. I love pudding.)

Here is what I woke up to this morning:

(sob!) It is still liquid. Still. And now the bananas are floating in the sad pudding liquid. But, if you turn your attention to the bottom right corner. I still have leftover grits! Yippee!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

One Day

Since my friend DiAnna and I are both golf widows (Josh and Jason played in the same tournament yesterday) we went to go see the movie One Day. I have the book on my reading list, and I think I have a hold on it at the library, so I will read it! Normally I don't see a movie without reading the book first, because I'm a nerd. But DiAnna summed it up perfectly when she said that by seeing the movie first, we wouldn't be disappointed with how bad they butchered the movie. Which is true.

For those of you who don't know, One Day is the movie with Anne Hathaway and Jim Sturgess, and it shows them one day a year for like, 20 years. It moves really fast and can get confusing, and sometimes you just don't know what happened in between! But the real kicker is Anne's accent. Holy cow. She keeps going from Standard British to Cockney; sometimes she throws in some Irish phrases, and at one point, she dropped an accent altogether and became American.

If you are in the mood for a cheesy romantic movie, like we were, it's a good way to spend an afternoon. However, the characters aren't really that likeable, especially Dexter (Sturgess's character) so I ended up not really caring if they got together or not. The ending, looking back, is predictable, but I was so busy being distracted by Hathaway's accent that I didn't see it coming.

The Adventure Begins!

Ok, people, you can smirk all you want, saying...she has a new blog...why? She barely kept up the last one. Yes, this is true. However, in my defense, I was planning a wedding at the time. A little time consuming. But, now I'm all settled in a new home in a new city, and I'm chock full of new info and thoughts!

This blog is to basically tell you about my mundane life: I will talk about movies, TV, books, as well as entertain you with stories of working in a hotel as well as mortifying you with my cooking ventures. I am, after all, a wife now! Let's get started...

Tonight I was browsing The Pioneer Woman, and I decided what to make for dinner! Pork chops with sauteed apples and cheese grits! Yummy! We were prepping for Hurricane Irene this week, so I didn't get any meat or produce; I was planning on staying holed up in our apartment without power all weekend. It turns out, nothing happened. Josh even played in a golf tournament yesterday. Yes, I am a golf widow now. And we've been married almost 5 months. Feel sorry for me.

Anyway, I'm tired of frozen food, pizza, and chips. Blech. It's time for a home cooked meal! Stay tuned, and I'll tell you if it turns out to be a bust...